
Chit Chat & Life Update

Alright guys, it’s been awhile. So I thought, what better way to get back into the swing of things than talking about life. So, grab your coffee, get comfy, and get ready for a life update! I finished my first quarter of college! I went to Michigan to visit family over break and I got to watch my twin cousins play basketball and just see everyone! I’ve been working with the College Gym News team working to provide coverage of […]

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Steubenville Recap

This past weekend I attended one of the many Steubenville conferences put on throughout the nation over the summer. It’s a Catholic youth conference that takes place over the weekend at various locations, in my case it was at a hotel out by the airport, and it’s put on by Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio (hence the name Steubenville). While it was a busy weekend, it was definitely nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of life for […]

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