New Beginnings: Life Updates and a Fresh Start

new beginnings

Over the past 4 years, I’ve had many experiences, but this blog was largely neglected. 4 years later and I graduated from college with my degree in business analytics and marketing, landed my first “real” adult job, and made many memories along the way. As I continue to embark on this journey that is the real world, I decided to restart this blog as an outlet to share advice, life updates, and more while continuing to grow as a person. […]

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Study Like a Pro: My Tips and Tricks

Ah, college life. School, studying, and more school. While balancing sleep and actually having a social life. That’s college in a nutshell. Learning is really the reason we’re all in college, as much as the work can be tedious at times. I went into college knowing the basics of how to study well and that’s something that I am so grateful for looking back at my high school experience. It may have seemed like a lot of work at the time, […]

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Goals for Fall Quarter: 2018 Edition

It’s hard to believe that classes start in a few days! I just started moving into my new dorm and I’ll be back to the grind on Monday. While I actually am excited to go back to school for once, I’m not ready to let summer go. But with a new quarter comes new goals. And I wanted to take them to the blog. Not only to hold myself accountable by having a list published in writing and on the […]

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What You Actually Need for College

Most colleges are back in full swing, or about to start. After freshman year, there’s definitely some items that I brought and didn’t use and those that I used all of the time. You can research all you want, but everyone is different. From my experiences, these are some of the items I actually used during my freshman year, and those that never saw use. What I Used Command Hooks & Strips Command hooks and strips were such an essential […]

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Planner vs Bullet Journal

The school year is quickly approaching, and you know what that means? Time to get back in the grind of classes, schoolwork, and all that is that college life. Planners and bullet journals have long been pitted against each other as organizational and planning tools. If you’re anything like me, you’re indecisive as to if a planner or bullet journal is better and it’s hard to choose what system to use. That’s where I’m here to help! Hopefully this helps […]

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Chit Chat & Life Update #2

It’s been awhile since I’ve done an actual life update post, and to be honest life has been semi hectic, leaving me with little blog motivation. So, I’ve decided that it was about time to do another life update post! What I’ve Been Up To Summer has been in full swing! One month to go before I head back to college for my sophomore year, which is honestly insane but I’m excited! I volunteered at the youth conference I attended […]

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Photography 101: Composition

In the second post of my Photography 101 series, I’m tackling the concept of composition. Composition is what will take your photos over the top. It makes a photo unique and distinctly you. In a sense, composition is essentially how you lay out the elements of a photo. We use different techniques to do this, such as the rule of thirds, point of view, framing, and even depth of field. Rule of Thirds The rule of thirds involves how you […]

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Photography 101: The Exposure Triangle

I’ve always been a picture person. Ever since I took my first photography class my junior year of high school, I’ve been in love with manual photography. Manual photography is such a different world that gives you so much more control over the appearance of the final photo. Yet, so many people have DSLRs and don’t know where to start, resorting to using automatic mode and other tools that use sensors to monitor your surroundings in order to determine the […]

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Switching to WordPress on HostGator

I’ve been wrestling with the idea of going self-hosted for awhile now, but I was reluctant to invest in it. I finally decided to take the plunge after a little research and it was not without hiccups. With a little googling and exploring around forums and blog posts, I figured it out. That’s why I present to you my guide to switching from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress on HostGator. Get a Hosting Plan This is probably the easiest step, once […]

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Dorm Tour: Freshman Year

Today I’m coming at you with my freshman year dorm tour! I’ve had these pictures for months but never actually got a post together featuring my dorm room. I’ve always loved dorm tours and lived for the day that I was in a dorm and could do one. I searched and searched for dorm tours and layouts of the building I was going to live in and found basically zero of people who were at my school. I wanted to share […]

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