
Random College Essentials

I’ve been in college for almost 2 months now. It’s crazy! Sorry for kind of neglecting the blog, but I’ve been itching to write college posts! The first of which is now. Some things you bring to college are no brainers. Others take thought. Some are just random and are afterthoughts. I’ve got some of those random things and afterthoughts compiled up for you, so go ahead and read on! Command Hooks Ok, you’ve probably heard of the wondrous command […]

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Five Reasons to Start a Blog in High School

Ok, it’s definitely been a hot minute since I posted last. This summer has been an absolute whirlwind between trips back to Michigan to visit family and my aunt with cancer and other trips and getting ready for college! I spent some time redesigning my blog and I’m finally back with a new post! Today it’s all about high school blogging. I started this blog in the summer of 2016, right before my senior year, and I definitely wish I […]

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Graduation Day Recap

The last couple of weeks have been a complete whirlwind. Between the graduation ceremony, senior activities, and all the graduation parties that have taken place, it’s all gone by so quickly. So here I am, almost 2 weeks later, writing a blog post. I finally have the time and motivation to sit down, write, and walk you through the lifetime milestone known as my high school graduation.    For the first time in awhile, the ceremony was actually an afternoon ceremony, starting […]

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High School Reflections

Wow. Just like that, I’m done with high school, and graduation is a day away. What had seemed so far away is quickly approaching, despite past perceptions. It all feels so surreal. Yet it’s real. I entered my school in 7th grade, and stayed through high school. That was definitely a different experience than most are accustomed to, but it was super nice. All of us had 2 years to adjust to the school and its policies, and, when the […]

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Acing Your Final Exams

Ah, it’s that dreaded time of year. It’s the end of the semester, and time to take those final exams. It can be overwhelming, but you can do it! Push through, review, and get ready to ace those exams. And, if you don’t know where to start, that’s okay. That’s what I’m here for, and probably why you’re reading this. Without further adieu, let’s get started with some tips. 1.  Utilize Study Guides If you’re in high school, chances are […]

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Choosing a College

Ok. Long time, no talk. It seems like time has just flown by, and now I only have 17 days of high school left. I’ve chosen a college; I know how hard making that decision can be. Deciding where you want to spend the next 4+ years is a daunting task. With decision day quickly approaching, I’m going to give you some tips to make your decision if you’re struggling. Location What kind of setting do you see yourself in? […]

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College Tours || Colorado College

Recently, I took my first college tour to Colorado College in Colorado Springs. Ok, I’m getting a late start to the college tour game. I should’ve started touring way earlier. I said I was going to. But time just got away from me, and it was hard to fit it in between schoolwork, extracurriculars, and my parents’ work schedules. So, here I am, heading into my senior year, and just beginning to tour. I do have more scheduled this summer, […]

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