Staying Productive in College

Alright guys, it’s that time of year. Midterms have rolled around or will be approaching soon, depending on if you’re on semesters or quarters. You may be hitting that wall where you are just done with school, or whatever you’re going through, but it’s essential to remain on your productivity game. Don’t procrastinate and actually get sleep. I know, novel idea! But if you’re on top of things you’ll actually be able to sleep at a normal hour, leaving you refreshed and ready to take on the next day. You won’t feel stressed or worried, and you’ll be an overall happier person. Stay productive and keep yourself happy and healthy.

Use A Planner

Ok this might seem kind of obvious, but planners are awesome! I always write down every single assignment, test, or major project down from my syllabi at the beginning of the quarter and then I’m sure to not miss anything important! And then if something else comes up, just add it. I also love to color code so that I know exactly what class it is for just by looking at the color. If paper planners aren’t your thing, there are plenty of apps that can help you! Or even as simple as using your built in calendar or notes app on your phone.

Set Deadlines for Yourself

Have a major paper or project due? Don’t want to procrastinate? Set deadlines for yourself and hold yourself accountable to them! It’s so easy to fall into the habit of procrastination, especially if you’re only writing the assignment down on the day before it’s due. After you go through that syllabus once, look at all your guidelines that have been posted and figure out a timeline that you want to complete it by. Even a little at a time goes a long way, and you won’t feel stressed or lose sleep the night before trying to finish it.

Know Your Style

How do you work best? Do you need to go to the library, or can you work in your dorm room/your living arrangement? Find your spot and make sure you frequent that spot when you need to get work done! Do you need music? Or no music? Additionally, know how you get things done. Do you prefer doing small tasks at a time, or do you work better when you sit down and plug through a big chunk of something? I think that’s a big misconception–that it’s better to do things little by little. I know I am more productive when I work on something for a longer period of time.

Reward Yourself

I saw this on a video from Katherout on YouTube, and it actually works! Tell yourself that if you do something that you don’t necessarily like to do, then you can do something you like to do, whether it’s Netflix, listening to music, going out for ice cream, or whatever you like! In a sense, you’re basically motivating yourself to do your work by promising yourself something in return for your hard work.

Take Time to Relax and Have Fun

The last thing you want to do is get burnt out. It’s important to get your work done, so make sure you’re on top of it. If you stay on top of things and don’t force yourself to stay up working on something, you’ll ultimately be happier. I always try to take the evening time to relax and chill, but if you’re more productive at that time of day then take a break midday between classes or something! Keep a balance between school and relaxing and then your mental health will improve!
These are just a few tips that I like to utilize to keep myself productive! Do you have anything you like to do to stay productive? Let me know in the comments!