Chit Chat & Life Update

Alright guys, it’s been awhile. So I thought, what better way to get back into the swing of things than talking about life. So, grab your coffee, get comfy, and get ready for a life update!
  • I finished my first quarter of college!
  • I went to Michigan to visit family over break and I got to watch my twin cousins play basketball and just see everyone!
  • I’ve been working with the College Gym News team working to provide coverage of NCAA gymnastics!
  • I did two job shadows over break, each very awesome in their own regard.
  • I covered my first meet for College Gym News and am looking forward to dabbling into meet photography.
  • My sister bought a house, and my family and I have been helping her make decisions in terms of the remodel!
  • My brother had ACL surgery, so I’ve been doing some mundane tasks for him to make a little money.
  • I joined 2 clubs: Catholic Student Fellowship and a Christian sorority.
  • Went on a retreat with CSF, did some awesome things, and played a round of spoons.
  • I did an awesome project with my first year seminar class where I got to go to a retirement home, pair up with an elderly resident, and talk about life and a significant photograph. We then photographed them with their picture and wrote an excerpt about its meaning.
Ok, so while this isn’t possibly everything I’ve been up to, I’d say it’s a pretty good list. It’s crazy to think that I survived my first quarter and that I’m 1/3 of the way done with my freshman year! I really want to get into some college posts so stay tuned for that!