Five Reasons to Start a Blog in High School

Ok, it’s definitely been a hot minute since I posted last. This summer has been an absolute whirlwind between trips back to Michigan to visit family and my aunt with cancer and other trips and getting ready for college! I spent some time redesigning my blog and I’m finally back with a new post! Today it’s all about high school blogging. I started this blog in the summer of 2016, right before my senior year, and I definitely wish I would have started sooner. Let me explain why.

Creative Outlet

Starting a blog gives you a creative outlet where you can express yourself. During the school year, while school is the most important, it’s also important to have a little me time and take your mind off of your hectic life and take a study break. Stressed? Start a blog post. Having the right balance of work to relaxing is a must, and blogging can do just that. You’ve got the picture editing which is a blast and definitely relaxing, and you can write about whatever you want, whatever you’re feeling. Now that’s a way to relieve stress.

Personal Writing Experience

When it comes time to write college essays, you’ll be thankful you had a blog. In school, you’re taught scholarly writing, but there’s never a focus about how to write about yourself. When you blog, you’re doing just that. By the time you have to write those college essays, you’ll have countless posts up that have given you experience writing about yourself. With that, you’ll spend less time trying to figure out how to write an essay about yourself, because you already know how. You’ll even have documented memories in the form of blogging to pull from. Or you could even write about your blogging journey, how it’s changed you, and so on. You’ll already have an excellent foundation and be poised for success.

Resume Experience

Often, when you apply for an internship or job, they’ll want some kind of resume. And often times, employers want you to have some kind of experience. Blogging gives you just that. It shows that you’re passionate about what you do, and it also shows commitment, dedication, and drive. Putting something like a blog gives you a step above the rest, especially if it’s your first job/an entry level job or internship. You’ll be a lot more attractive, and that much more likely to get the job.

Business Skills

You don’t have to dive all in to gain skills from blogging. You don’t have to be successful, be self-hosted, or be a full-time blogger to get the effects of blogging. You’ll learn how to market yourself and create a brand. You’ll begin to understand social media and algorithms on a whole another level. You’ll learn web development and design skills on the backend. You’ll have knowledge of a wide variety of applications to take out into the world.

Life Skills

On the same page, but slightly different, blogging teaches you life skills and work habits. By balancing blogging with school, you learn time management skills. You’ll discover how to balance your hobbies and interests with your life, whether it be school now or a job later. You’ll also develop a sense of how you stay organized. You’ll have to plan ahead to accomplish your goals. And that ties back to time management as well. Then, when you enter college, you’ll already have some basic skills down and be ahead of the curve, ready to roll and succeed.

Blogging is something that I definitely wish I would have started sooner! Not only do I love it, but it teaches you some awesome skills that will help you in life! You never know if you like something until you try it, so go ahead and give it a whirl! High school is the perfect time to do just that, since it is a prime time to explore your interests. So go ahead, give it some thought, and try it out! You’ll be glad you did!